- Carrie Anne Minnaar et al.: Potentiation of the Abscopal Effect by Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Patients
- Carrie Anne Minnaar et al.: Analysis of the effects of mEHT on the treatment-related toxicity and quality of life of HIV-positive cervical cancer patients
- MS Iyikesici: Survival Outcomes of Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy Combined with Ketogenic Diet, Hyperthermia, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Advanced Gastric Cancer
- Mau-Shin Chi et al.: Putative Abscopal Effect in Three Patients Treated by Combined Radiotherapy and Modulated Electrohyperthermia
- Junwen Ou: A Randomized Phase II Trial of Best Supportive Care With or Without Hyperthermia and Vitamin C for Heavily Pretreated, Advanced, Refractory Non-Smell-Cell Lung Cancer
- Attila Marcell Szász et al.:Review of the Clinical Evidences of Modulated ElectroHyperthermia (mEHT) Method: An Update for the Practicing Oncologist
- Peter Wust et al.: Physical analysis of temperature-dependent effects of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic hyperthermia
- Wulf-Peter Brockmann: Vom Abskopaleffekt zur Abskopaltherapie – Provozierte Spontanremissionen als neue Immuntherapie bei Krebs
- Wulf-Peter Brockmann: Tumormarker in der Krebstherapie – Geschätzt oder unter Wert verkannt?
- Gyula Vincze: New Look at an Old Principle: An Alternative Formulation of The Theorem of Minimum Entropy Production