- Alexiou G., Samara T.: Computational study of simplified numerical phantoms inside capacitive hyperthemia devices
- Szasz O.: Efficacy and doe of local hyperthermia
- Fiorentini G. et al.: Modulated electro- hyperthermia for the treatment of relapsed brain tumors
- Kim JH et al.: Potential Application of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Plus Modulated electro- hyperthermia (mEHT, trade name: Oncothermia) Among Patients with Advanced Cancer: Retrospective Clinical Analysis of Single Hospital Experiences
- Pontes S., Azevedo F.: mEHT- Results on CA- Esterioneuroblastoma- Brazilian Experience
- Ono E. et al.: Effectiveness of hyperthermia in clinical stage IV pancreatic cancer
- Fiorentini G. et al.: Modulated electro- hyperthermia as palliative treatment for pancreatic cancer: a retrospective observational study on 106 patients
- Bakacs T. et al.: Exploiting autoimmunity unleashed by an off- label low- dose immune checkpoint blockade to treat advanced cancer
- Van Gool S. et al.: Hyperthermia as part of multimodal immunotherapy for patients with GBM
- Van Gool S. et al.: Multimodal immunotherapy for patients with ovarian cancer
- Maniotis N., Samaras T.: Numerical Simulation and Evaluation of Magnetic Particle Hyperthemia System and Conditions
- Asano M. et al.: The effects of microwave normothermic irradiation on cultured cancer cells
- Szasz, A.: Evaluation of clinical studies when no reference arm exists
- Herzog, A.: How to set up an individual program of hyperthermia and conventional treatment in heavily pretreated cancer patients