- Cassutti V et al: Androtherm application for Peyronie disease (Phase I/II study)
- Pang LKC: Clinical Research on Integrative Treatment of Colon Carcinoma with Oncothermia and Clifford TCM Immune Booster
- Lee DY: Complete Remission of SCLC with Chemotherapy and Oncothermia (Case report)
- Seong MY an Jung SL: Case of Abscopal effect with Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Hoffmann H: Bluttests für onkologische und immunologische Fragestellungen
- Jückstock JK et al: Locoregional hyperthermia in combination with chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer patients: The Mammatherm – trial
- Krautkramer S: Neue Herausforderungen im Praxis- und Klinikmanagement: Prozessoptimierung durch echtes Factoring
- Lüdecke G: Hyperthermie Chemotherapie beim Harnblasenkarzinom
- Hegy G et al: Oncothermia and traditional Chinese medicine